


PTR is situated in the Cardamom Hills and Pandalam Hills of the Southern Western Ghats between latitudes 9°35'30.14" and 9°19'28.11"N N and longitudes 77°11'45.48" and 77°17'4.84"E. The major portion of the Reserve forms the catchment of River Periyar and the rest is that of River Pamba. Administratively, PTR falls in Idukki, Kottayam and Pathanamthitta Districts of Kerala.


Although the Tiger Reserve receives two monsoons, its distribution differs dramatically over the entire area. The highest recorded rainfall was 5803 mm at Pachakanam (2007), and lowest was 1145 mm at Thannikudy (2010). Roughly two-thirds of total rainfall occurs during the south-west monsoon between June and September. The North-East monsoon, though less predictable, normally occurs during October-December. It is the distribution and intensity of the North-East showers that has a major influence on management options. The wettest month is July and the driest January. Generally, the period from December to April is considered to be dry season. The temperature varies between 11°C and 27°C. Generally, April - May is the hottest and December – January is the coolest. Lowest humidity prevails during the dry months of February to April. The dew formation during December-January keeps the vegetation especially grass, green and wet. The wind velocity is at maximum with the onset of the South-West monsoon. The Reserve has two major rivers with their myriads of perennial feeder streams as well as reservoir. Water is available throughout the year and drought in the normal sense of the term may not occur. Severe drought was experienced during 1983 which resulted in extensive forest fires causing damages even to evergreen patches. Water sources many streams feeding the two major rivers viz. Periyar and Pamba are perennial. Unlike the streams in the evergreens above 1000m, some of the streams feeding Pamba and Azhutha dry up in peak summer. Except for a few, the marshes and streams on the grassy hill tops around the lake also dry up. The water level in lake fluctuates between a maximum of 41.5m (136 feet at the full reservoir level) to a minimum of 32m (104.9869 feet). A number of bunds, check dams and artificial pools have been made over the years, which hold water even during peak summer.


The extent of different land uses for core or critical tiger habitat and buffer are given below
Major part of core consists of evergreen and semi evergreen forests (Fig. 5.1) whereas buffer is primarily of moist deciduous forests .

Grassland-Savanna, an important feeding ground of prey species, occupies 22.4% of the Reserve. Eucalypt plantations (55 km2) are also present in core. Water spread area consists of 26 km2, of which 10 km2 is in core.


Phytoplankton flora of Periyar Lake

According to a preliminary study conducted on the phytoplankton flora of Periyar Lake (Krishnan, 2010), 59 taxa of Phytoplankton were identified from different representative samples. Among them, 54 were identified up to the species level and five were identified only up to genus level. Sixty percent of the total plankton identified include Diatoms, 30% Desmids and 10% Cyanophyceae. Among the benthic algae, 50% of the total comprised of Diatoms, 30% Cyanophyta and 20% Desmids. The epiphyte flora was abundant during the dry season. Diversity of algae is an indicator of natural aquatic system unaffected by pollution. It was noted that during dry season, water concentrates due to decrease in water level with rich amounts of nutrients, especially Nitrogen and Phosphorus. This may lead to enriched growth of phytoplanktons during dry season and the flagellated forms as well as the filamentous forms flourish in the boat landing site of the lake, where the anthropogenic impact is high. All forms of plankton decrease during other seasons due to dilution and horizontal mixing of water. Increased cell size of the epiphytic phytoplankton may be due to availability of nutrients from the anthropogenic wastes as well as from the macrophytic plant body on which they colonize.

Flora of PTR

PTR, which forms about 10% of total forest area in the State, supports 41% (1985 species) of the Angiosperms (flowering plants) reported from Kerala (4801 species). A list of the flowering plants in PTR is given in Appendix 2.3. Out of the 1985 flowering plants, 519 species (about 26%) are endemic to southern WG and 149 species under various threat categories (Sasidharan, 1998). A list of the RET species is given in Appendix 2.4. All the three species of Gymnosperms reported from Kerala are seen in PTR including the only indigenous conifer of South India, Nageia wallichiana. The other two are Cycus circinalis and Gnetum ula. About 150 species of pteridophytes are reported from the Reserve. Ophioglossum pendulum seen in the core areas of PTR is the first report from the Peninsular India. Among the flora listed from PTR, about 350 species are having identified medicinal properties.

Fauna, Habitats and Trophic Niches

The first scientific account on the fauna of Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary is available from the preliminary ecological survey conducted by Dr. G.U. Kurup of Zoological Survey of India in 1969. The first reconnaissance study of PTR was conducted by the Kerala Forest Research Institute during 1977-78 (Vijayan et al., 1979 and Vijayan, 1980) as part of the long-term study on the ecology of PTR with special reference to wildlife (Nair et al., 1985) funded by the Kerala Forest Department. This study brought out the first account of major mammalian species and a checklist of birds. During the past, there had been several studies on different groups of animals. Vertebrates are the most studied group. Among the invertebrates, only information available is an inventory of butterflies and spiders.

Mammals of PTR

A total of 66 species of mammals, under 50 genera and 25 families, are reported from PTR. This forms about 68% of the non-marine mammals reported from Kerala. Of the 66 species of mammals, 7 are endemic to Western Ghats (Table 2.5). The list of mammals in PTR is given in Appendix 2.5.

A brief description of selected mammals is given below.


PTR is one of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) in the country. Three hundred and twenty three taxa of birds have so far been recorded in PTR (Veeramani and Krishnan, 2002). The Reserve has a good representation of Southern Western Ghats endemics with thirteen species (Table 2.11). Twenty three species of aquatic birds were recorded in the lake area, out of which 17 are residents and 6 winter visitors. Large cormorants, which were absent earlier, are seen in large numbers while there is a decline in the number of darters. Low number of water birds is attributed to absence of shallow water bodies. There is also decrease in number of tree stumps due to decay. List of birds reported from PTR is given in Appendix 2.6. There had been studies on raptors (Shrivastava et al.,1993), drongos (Vijayan., 1992) and barbets (Yahya., 2001). Robin and Sukumar (2002) reported White bellied short-wing at a height of 950 m from PTR. Veeramani et al. (2005) added 14 species to the existing list of birds of PTR. Robertson and Jackson (1992) and Elamon (2005) published Field Guides on Birds of Periyar.


Of the 172 species of reptiles reported from Kerala, 48 species under 33 genera and 12 families are recorded from PTR (Appendix 2.7). Among them, 17 are endemic to the Western Ghats (Table 2.12).


The amphibian diversity in Kerala is rich with 85 species. However, this group is not well documented in PTR. Twenty nine species in 17 genera and 9 families occur in the Reserve (Appendix 2.8). Of these, 12 species are endemic to the WG (Table 2.13).


Periyar Lake and its associated streams support several interesting and important fishes (Arun et al., 1996; Zacharias et al., 1996; Zacharias and Minimol, 1999; Gopi, 2001). Some of them are Tor khudree (Sykes), Lepidopygopsis typus Raj, Travancoria jonesi Hora, Crossocheilus periyarensis (Menon and Jacob), Puntius ophicephalus (Raj) and Garra periyarensis Gop

A few words about us

   An externally aided project called India Eco Development Project funded by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility was implemented in the Periyar Tiger Reserve from 1996 onwards. The Project which ended on 30.06.2004, is rated as a highly successful one, both nationally and internationally. To continue the bio-diversity conservation and community welfare initiatives and to sustain the achievements made under the India Eco Development Project beyond the life of the Project, the Government of Kerala vide G.O.(M.S.) No. 36/2004/F&WLD dated 27.07.2004 issued Administrative Sanction for the formation of Periyar Foundation. The Periyar Foundation was registered under the Charitable and Religious Trust Act 1920 on 22.09.2004 and as per G.O. (M.S.) No. 73/2012 F&WLD dated 04.07.2012, Periyar Tiger Conservation Foundation (PTCF) has been constituted as a Trust under Section 38x of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 dissolving existing Periyar Foundation and transferring all its assets and liabilities to the newly constituted PTCF.

              Our Objectives

1.To facilitate ecological, economic, social and cultural development in Periyar Tiger Reserve & Adjoining Landscape (PTRAL).
2.To provide support to safeguard the natural environment in PTRAL, and relevant places in the whole of Western Ghats.
3.To facilitate the creation of, and or maintenance of such assets as felt necessary for fulfilling the above said objectives.
4.To solicit technical, financial, social and support required for the activities of the Foundation for achieving the above said objectives from different sources permitted by law.
5.To support Ecotourism, Ecodevelopment, Research, Environmental Education and Training, Management, Advisory aspects and Policy advocacy in the above and related fields.
6.To augment and mobilize financial resources including recycling of entry and such other fees received in a Tiger Reserve, to foster stake holder development and ecotourism.
7.Anything incidental or ancillary to the above for furthering the above said objectives.

                     Governing Body

1.Hon’ble Minister for Forest, Govt. of Kerala - President
2.Addl. Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/secretary, forests & wildlife department, gok, - Vice President
3.Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of forest force – member
4.Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Chief Wildlife Warden – member Secretary
5.Field Director, Periyar Tiger Reserve – member
6.Deputy Director, Periyar Tiger Reserve East, Thekkady – member
7.Deputy Director, Periyar Tiger Reserve West, Peermedu – member
8.Two prominent scientists or qualified experts in the field (to be nominated by Government) – members
9.Members of legislative assembly – peermade, poonjar, ranni & konni – members
10.District Panchayat Presidents, Idukki, kottayam & pathanamthitta – members
11.Two members of the executive committee of the ptcf (other than the Field Directors / Deputy Directors) – members

Executive Committee

The affairs of the Foundation shall be administered subject to the rules and regulations and orders of the Foundation, by an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the following
a. Field Director, Periyar Tiger Reserve - Chairperson
b. Deputy Director, Periyar Tiger Reserve East - Secretary
c. Deputy Director, Periyar Tiger Reserve west - Member
d. Assistant Field Director, Periyar Tiger Reserve - Member
e. Two representatives of Eco development Committees working in the Tiger Reserve, to be nominated in the Governing Body - Members
f. Two members of frontline staff of the Tiger Reserve - Members


  • Ploughing back of revenue generated in PTR ( ~ 8 crore/annum)
  • GoI / GOK funds for projects
  • Consultancy fees
  • Institutional charges
  • Donations

Fund Utilization

  • Protected Area (PA) management (40%)
  • Village Eco- Development (40%)
  • Nature Education and Awareness (5%)
  • Research and Monitoring (5%)
  • Administration (10%)


1.Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE) of Tiger Reserves in India, 2022 (Fifth Cycle)- Periyar Tiger Reserve achieved the first place as a best managed Tiger Reserves in India in the evaluation of MEE with a score of 94.38%
2.Conservation Assured Tiger Standards (CA TS) in 2022
Vasanthasena- Manorama Pennoruma season 2 -2021 , State Level Winner in the second position
Skal International Award 2019 – Community Based Ecotourism Programmes – Best Sustainable Tourism project
3.MEE – 2018 Award for the best managed tiger reserve among 50 tiger reserves in the country
4.NTCA Award for Excellence: 2016 (In recognition of outstanding performance in the field of Anti-Poaching)
5.NTCA Award for Excellence: 2012-14 (Co-occurrence and Eliciting Local Public support)
6.U.N.D.P - India Biodiversity Awards 2012 – Best PA in the country
7.WWF-PATA Bagh Mitra Award 2014
8.The Chief Minister’s Award for Innovation in Public Policy 2013
9.Sarvothama Award- 2006
10.Amrita Devi Bishnoi Award- 2005 – Vasanthasena EDC
11.Special Appreciation Award to Vanchivayal EDC-2004
12.P.V. Thampi Memorial Endowment Award-2003 – Vasanthasena EDC
13.International Ecotourism Award for Ex-Vayana Bark Collectors EDC- 2002
14.The Junglees Green Guard Award-2001 – ex-vayana Bark collectors’ EDC
15.Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Award-1999 – SAPP EDC